Social Marketing: increase your conversion rate

Social Marketing to increase your conversion rate

I - Conversion rate is more important than traffic

To bring traffic on your web site will allow you to let your visitors know about the products you want to promote, to advertise or to sell.

Search Engine Optimisation, link building etc are technical concepts most of the affiliates easily master.

But “to turn on visitors” it is to say to convince these ones for instance to buy your partner’s products or to subscribe for any services is not something easy and evident.

In general, Web distribution does not allow you to deal face to face with your visitors.

Your commission depends on your conversion rate; high level affiliates are people with a conversion rate more than 3%. THEY ARE FEW ON THE WEB.

It is time to learn more about social marketing in the purpose to improve your conversion rate.

II - Trust and Marketing

Good marketers are people who stay close to their clients or web sites’ visitors. You have to give a reason to your clients to trust on you; be more than a seller or an affiliate for your visitors. Help them, give them satisfaction, and take care of them.

Do it sincerely, never use “automatic mail reply”; people do appreciate it when we send them a personal message with their name, when they can feel we are really in touch with them.

III - First important point: avoid disappointing your web site visitors

Build a web site with pertinent contents; how do you feel when you can not find information you need on a web site. Do you have an open buy attitude? Do not build web site just in the order to monetize it. Give satisfaction to your visitors and money will follow.

Social marketing begins by creating a close relation based on trust, confidence; when you provide useful information, you win your visitors trust.

And when people trust on you, they are “more open” to buy for example products you propose. Trust will certainly increase your conversion rate.

IV - What about social networking?

Nowadays, Facebook, MySpace etc allows people to create some social networks. The first target of a social network is to communicate with others and to stay close with these ones.

So use your own social network to discuss with others; talk about their hobbies as old friends.

Make real efforts to know them better; share photos (why not), news, fun stories with others etc

Are social networks marketing tools? Social networks are social marketing tools so use them mainly to socialize.

When you get close enough with your social network’s members, talk about your web site(s) or products you distribute without insisting or exasperating.

Easier to convince people you know so make efforts to lose your “unknown status”.

V - Your professional qualifications:

Build a web site talking about a concept for which you have professional qualifications; you will be more credible; credibility is a very important notion in social marketing.

So, let people know that you are the right men qualified to recommend products you sell.

VI - In a word, have a social life:

Get more friends day after day; leave some comments on others webmasters’ web sites. Subscribe to communities on the web and take part in web events.

Be the man or the woman who can take more than one hour to answer mails from his or her friends.

You will see that talking about your web site or products/services you sell will be less formal and more than a “commercial discussion”.

You will not need anymore to try to convince people to buy your products; they will be self convinced.

Conversion rate is a very important concept and makes the difference between low and high level affiliates.

Big businesses with professional web marketers assist their affiliates; they provide professional marketing packages as Site Build It in order to help affiliates to increase their conversion rate, their financial result it is to say to become an high level affiliate.

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